Friday, 05.26.06

Ran numerous errands including getting the phone I've had my eye on for so long. Thanks for giving me a reason to get it Verizon. you suck. Just a hop away was Shake Shack. Talk about getting lucky. Knowing that there was on and off showers, I didn't think the legendary line was going to be insane. The 30 minute wait for the burger was OH SO worth it. It's as close to In-and-Out I've tasted yet in this city. The cheese fries were even better.
Then off to X-Men. I say to go see it, but don't expect insane action or anything.
Saturday, 05.27.06

Trip out to Long Island for a backyard bbq. Cindy and Mayer's house made me want one of my own. Got to learn how to play beer pong and meet some southern people. Yes. everyone from Virginia says they're from DC. why be ashamed? embrace your southern-ness.
Hit up Billy Mark's West after the trip home. Got to meet Mark. Not a bad place. I always thought that place was going to be a little too dive-y even for me. Yummy Margaritas too!
Then to Niagara. Drank with the Element crew. I haven't touched this place in a long time. Of course we got there late, so after what felt like a short time, we closed out the bar. 3 minutes to closing time, however, some guy grabbed my arm to talk to me. I made light of the situation after spotting his Fred Perry. Of course I had to ask if he was a rude boy. We talked about the original nyc ska scene for five minutes before I ditched out of there.
Chops and I saw the sun rise over Maspeth. Lovely indeed.

Sunday, 05.28.06
My lame ass roomie bought these:

Now, I'm a carnivore. I love meat. (thanks for the smirk boys) But I don't touch baby bird fetus. Since I was a kid and found out what it was, I couldn't dare touch it. Now the idea of vegetarian eggs just made me think. So you won't eat the animal when it's fully grown, but you'll eat the placenta of sorts. come on now. It's like eating the leftovers of some chicks monthly cycle. I know. sorry for the graphics, but come on now!
Had a few more beers with the other half of the Element crew. what an interesting bunch...reminds me of THOSE people in high school....I think I was one of THOSE people.
Monday, 05.30.06

Crammed Memorial Day festivities into a matter of two hours. Made double buffalo burgers on the rooftop grill, with a side of garlic fries. SOOO delicious. Thanks Trader Joes! Headed to Ralph's afterwards to get ices, then off to the city. Went to meet the x-art school gals to see Art School Confidential at the Angelica, just to find out the movie times were changed. To kill time, I headed over to the Adidas store just to look at the forbidden Adicolors. Forbidden because they display some there that you can't buy at the store (i.e. the Huff Adicolors). Saw the Dark Horse. Not expecting them to have it, I asked for my size. Wholy crap, they did. Walked out of the store with a blue bag. Came to my senses. What drugs where they pumping into that store? I made a purchase my irrational mind dreamt about since eyeing these things last week, but my financial status said hell no to. Look at these puppies. I gotta take them back....I just have to.....if you love something, you gotta let it go.

Ran numerous errands including getting the phone I've had my eye on for so long. Thanks for giving me a reason to get it Verizon. you suck. Just a hop away was Shake Shack. Talk about getting lucky. Knowing that there was on and off showers, I didn't think the legendary line was going to be insane. The 30 minute wait for the burger was OH SO worth it. It's as close to In-and-Out I've tasted yet in this city. The cheese fries were even better.
Then off to X-Men. I say to go see it, but don't expect insane action or anything.
Saturday, 05.27.06

Trip out to Long Island for a backyard bbq. Cindy and Mayer's house made me want one of my own. Got to learn how to play beer pong and meet some southern people. Yes. everyone from Virginia says they're from DC. why be ashamed? embrace your southern-ness.
Hit up Billy Mark's West after the trip home. Got to meet Mark. Not a bad place. I always thought that place was going to be a little too dive-y even for me. Yummy Margaritas too!
Then to Niagara. Drank with the Element crew. I haven't touched this place in a long time. Of course we got there late, so after what felt like a short time, we closed out the bar. 3 minutes to closing time, however, some guy grabbed my arm to talk to me. I made light of the situation after spotting his Fred Perry. Of course I had to ask if he was a rude boy. We talked about the original nyc ska scene for five minutes before I ditched out of there.
Chops and I saw the sun rise over Maspeth. Lovely indeed.

Sunday, 05.28.06
My lame ass roomie bought these:

Now, I'm a carnivore. I love meat. (thanks for the smirk boys) But I don't touch baby bird fetus. Since I was a kid and found out what it was, I couldn't dare touch it. Now the idea of vegetarian eggs just made me think. So you won't eat the animal when it's fully grown, but you'll eat the placenta of sorts. come on now. It's like eating the leftovers of some chicks monthly cycle. I know. sorry for the graphics, but come on now!
Had a few more beers with the other half of the Element crew. what an interesting bunch...reminds me of THOSE people in high school....I think I was one of THOSE people.
Monday, 05.30.06

Crammed Memorial Day festivities into a matter of two hours. Made double buffalo burgers on the rooftop grill, with a side of garlic fries. SOOO delicious. Thanks Trader Joes! Headed to Ralph's afterwards to get ices, then off to the city. Went to meet the x-art school gals to see Art School Confidential at the Angelica, just to find out the movie times were changed. To kill time, I headed over to the Adidas store just to look at the forbidden Adicolors. Forbidden because they display some there that you can't buy at the store (i.e. the Huff Adicolors). Saw the Dark Horse. Not expecting them to have it, I asked for my size. Wholy crap, they did. Walked out of the store with a blue bag. Came to my senses. What drugs where they pumping into that store? I made a purchase my irrational mind dreamt about since eyeing these things last week, but my financial status said hell no to. Look at these puppies. I gotta take them back....I just have to.....if you love something, you gotta let it go.
Thursday, 05.25.06

Hung out with the 'rents yesterday at the Heartland Brewery in South Street Seaport. Saw this chick doing god knows what. She had everyone baffled. Two guys next to me were constantly WTFing this "event". Earlier, I saw her doing some interpretive dance to some guy's guitar. Art has gotten WAY too weird for me.
Wednesday 05.24.06

Summer in the City party for NY Press at BED. I stayed there for about 45 minutes. It's not that it sucked terribly, I just went all on my lonesome and had to catch the Da Vinci Code w/ Moo. that movie is another story all together.
I'm just glad I went when I did. Drinks were strong, food was frequent, and I managed to get a goodie bag. Pretty good stuff too. Some socks from BED, the first season of The 4400 on DVD (one of those lame plastic armbands accompanied this too), Louis Black CD of his performance at Carnegie Hall, a bottle of lube from Babeland, two tickets to some play about Bush and how much he sucks, and a few flyers of different events in the city. The crowd was your typical crowd that would pay $12 for a rum and coke, minus the kids like me only there to get fed and wasted for free. As I left, the crowd on its way in was exactly the kind I like to avoid: fashionistas.
Tuesday 05.23.06

we won't speak of Monday, so I'll give you two for Tuesday.
I got lost in the Jungle that is lower Manhattan. I was trying to find the fitness club there and stumbled across this park. It's next to the World Financial Center. Beautiful view. I wish I had something like this to go hang out and eat my lunch during the week. Suits have it so good.

The glorious Weekend

Friday, 05.19.06
APPLES! The 5th Ave. Apple store opening. What a spectacle! Why wait at the Soho store to check your email and buy nothing, when you can wait two hours in a line around two blocks to do they same? I want to know who won the 24 laptops they gave away. (how long did the fanfare last?)
Saturday, 05.20.06

Turned out to be a nice day indeed. Hung out at the NY Waterway building. There were three blue plastic lounge chairs set up. If it was a little warmer near the water, I could have stayed there all day. The sound of the wind (which was whipping that day) went through these metal pipes creating an angelic sound. I still don't know the purpose of these pipes, but it sure inspired me.
On the way back into the nitty gritty of the city, Chopper and I stumbled across what I dubbed the best street fair yet. Why? because of this:

Now if this doesn't turn you to make out with carrots and broccoli from now on, then you can join my team in wondering how delicious this must taste.
What a perfect start to what ended up becoming a crazy night. Medieval Times was awesome.

The whole lot of us (13 to be exact) went nuts for the blue knight, overpriced drinks, and the plate full of carnivore goodness. Here's some more photos.
Ended the night at Mixx lounge with Moo. nothing like crashing someone's Bday party that neither of us knew. After that, let's just say that I was glad I wasn't the one with the sword....
Sunday, 05.21.06

What schizo took over the weather? One minute is was sunny, the next it was raining. Despite that, I went to the ICFF (International Contemporary Furniture Fair) at the Javits. I only had an hour to walk around by the time I got there, but I wish I had millions of dollars to build my house and fill it with 90% of what I saw. The Swarovski booth had this table filled with crystals. I wish I could have dumped them into my bag and roll around in them later.
I want this chair for my b'day....get ready for July lushes!

Thursday, 05.18.06

Last night I went to Maripol's exhibit (finally!) at the Soho Grand. it was more like a party celebrating the show. So many people. Important people. I got to meet her best friend through an interesting introduction. I also have what is now known as the "champagne story". Here's some pics.
Wed. 05.17.06

Worldwide Plaza. I cam so close to beating this bitch to the ground at the Bally's there yesterday. The argument came to that crucial point where words mean nothing. It's either you walk away or settle it by getting physical. I chose to walk away. I knew that I'd snap and give this girl a workout that she didn't expect to receive. Now, if it was outside the club, maybe I would have considered the latter of the choices.
Tuesday 05.16.06

Did laundry last night. I know, it's not exciting, but it HAD to be done. Three weeks worth. I hate doing laundry. Especially the process of folding all those clothes.
TV sure sucked and it's going to get worse with the season ending. I kept myself occupied by making a new necklace. I hope it stays together since I couldn't solder the pieces together.

makin' up for lost time
The end of last week was nuts and I didn't get to post any photos of the day. I'll make it up now.
Wednesday Chopper had my digi. Nothing happened anyway. boo.
Thursday, 05.11.06

Took the day off to go to two doctors appointments. What I don't understand is why some doctors feel like they just don't give a shit. After waking up so early just to sit in waiting rooms all day, Chopper and I went to go hit some balls. Very therapeutic! Here's a few more pics.
Friday, 05.12.06

Woke up even earlier to go to Hyde Park to see CIA. That's where my lil' sis is heading to late fall. Intense program with a beautiful campus. The smell of food is constant and delicious! We went to one of the restaurants on campus that's the equivalent to a $$$ place in the city. Soooo delicious! mama had the duck, papa had the salmon, and sis and I had the steak (which was paired with a black and tan).
Saturday, 05.13.06
What a disaster. Woke up to head to the eye and ear infirmary to get a second opinion on my eyes. It's amazing how empty the city is at 6:30 am. Told me everything was fine just to rush me off to Lens Crafters. She told me everything was NOT fine, and FINALLY gave me the drops I needed to clear it up in 5 days. Spent the rest of the day nursing my oncoming cold and with my mom and sis. Mother's day brunch and a trip around Soho. Of course, waking up at the crack of ass, I forgot to bring the digi. oh well.
Sunday, 05.14.06

Cold is now taking over my body. Weak. Snotty. Yuck. Street Fair to help distract my brain from the emptying sound of my bank account. Thank you doctors.
Wednesday Chopper had my digi. Nothing happened anyway. boo.
Thursday, 05.11.06

Took the day off to go to two doctors appointments. What I don't understand is why some doctors feel like they just don't give a shit. After waking up so early just to sit in waiting rooms all day, Chopper and I went to go hit some balls. Very therapeutic! Here's a few more pics.
Friday, 05.12.06

Woke up even earlier to go to Hyde Park to see CIA. That's where my lil' sis is heading to late fall. Intense program with a beautiful campus. The smell of food is constant and delicious! We went to one of the restaurants on campus that's the equivalent to a $$$ place in the city. Soooo delicious! mama had the duck, papa had the salmon, and sis and I had the steak (which was paired with a black and tan).
Saturday, 05.13.06
What a disaster. Woke up to head to the eye and ear infirmary to get a second opinion on my eyes. It's amazing how empty the city is at 6:30 am. Told me everything was fine just to rush me off to Lens Crafters. She told me everything was NOT fine, and FINALLY gave me the drops I needed to clear it up in 5 days. Spent the rest of the day nursing my oncoming cold and with my mom and sis. Mother's day brunch and a trip around Soho. Of course, waking up at the crack of ass, I forgot to bring the digi. oh well.
Sunday, 05.14.06

Cold is now taking over my body. Weak. Snotty. Yuck. Street Fair to help distract my brain from the emptying sound of my bank account. Thank you doctors.
05.09.06 THIS is the life

$10. That's how much this delicious chunk of beef costs with a BK brew. Xtina and I needed some fuel to hold off that crazy state of drunkenness. Thanks to the Master List, we went to the Clinton Street Bakery. Swiss cheese and caramelized onions on a Black Angus Burger, topped with a Brioche bun and homemade potato chips. How can you go wrong?

Off to the Chivas tasting party. At first the Angel Orensanz Foundation building looked like a church. Upon entering, the walls were etched with Hebrew. Never gone into a temple, I marveled at the beautiful architecture. It was amazing. Then we got down to business. Drinks! Here's the photos of two hours of indulgence.
Weeeeeekend photos
It's Monday and my weekend was kinda really crazy that I didn't get to touch my computer. Therefore, I'm a few days late posting pics of the day. No worries. Here's the pics:

Tribeca Film Fest. Went to go see American Cannibal. Great Movie. I hope it gets picked up. I don't get sucked up into reality tv anymore. At first it was novel, but come on. Unanimous is the most recent craptastic idea to be shot. Throw some people in a basement and make them all agree on who gets a mil. WTF? Throw a gun into the mix and see who's the first to kill everyone to get the mil. Anyone can come up with this stuff.
Next stop: Stout. What a better way to celebrate Mexican independence than drinking at an Irish pub? Here's a few photos.
Saturday: Aitken's Happening

Xina and I got in on a press pass since she was "shooting" for a mag. We had to sign release forms just to enter the building. It was a building that was, I guess, condemned and the city made everyone sign these forms just incase the building came down, got asbestos poisoning, ate the lead paint and died....I'm assuming anything and everything so they can't get sued. They had a strict capacity rule, so we had to wait for a little bit until people left se we could enter. Inside it was more people than art, hot bartenders that were supplied by some kind of catering company (like if it were some important exclusive industry event) with an open bar and music. I really liked the space and saw so much potential. Here's some pics.
Then off to Galapagos for the Methods Release party. On the way we pulled a cabbie who complained indecently. He didn't want to go to BK because he couldn't make money, people in this country were lazy, white people are taking over because minorities were too cheap, there should be no reason why if you live in this country for long enough that you don't own property. Then I find out he's been here for 10 years from Morocco. Where the fuck was his building?
Anyway, how random, but I was introduced to the guy from Methods the week before. Didn't realize it until I went there and saw the logo on the back of the Cool 'eh mag. (such a graphic hound I am) Ran into Creature too (who introduced me in the first place). Didn't get to see him perform, but got to see some other "MC" who "rapped" (if that's what you want to call it) about breaking guitars. Who the hell let this guy in?
Rounded out the night with the Element boys at a pub by Times Square. Thanks guys! The Chops and I encountered another cabbie from Africa who said that cabbies HAVE to take us to BK even if they bitch. We just take down their number and call up to complain. Too bad this is probably the most times I've taken a cab in one night, and I won't be taking any in the near future. Why spend $13 to get home when that's 2-4 drinks (depending where you go).
Sunday: West Village

B$@ went on an adventure with me to get new kicks on Saturday, but of course I found nothing. I can't help it. I don't like Nike but I like the insane color ways they have. Frustrated and broken, I ended up searching for a replacement pair of burgundy Convs. Nothing. I guess they just don't make them anymore? Oh well.
I never really walk around the west village. Interesting place. Lack of sneakers, but nice selection of puppies!

Tribeca Film Fest. Went to go see American Cannibal. Great Movie. I hope it gets picked up. I don't get sucked up into reality tv anymore. At first it was novel, but come on. Unanimous is the most recent craptastic idea to be shot. Throw some people in a basement and make them all agree on who gets a mil. WTF? Throw a gun into the mix and see who's the first to kill everyone to get the mil. Anyone can come up with this stuff.
Next stop: Stout. What a better way to celebrate Mexican independence than drinking at an Irish pub? Here's a few photos.
Saturday: Aitken's Happening

Xina and I got in on a press pass since she was "shooting" for a mag. We had to sign release forms just to enter the building. It was a building that was, I guess, condemned and the city made everyone sign these forms just incase the building came down, got asbestos poisoning, ate the lead paint and died....I'm assuming anything and everything so they can't get sued. They had a strict capacity rule, so we had to wait for a little bit until people left se we could enter. Inside it was more people than art, hot bartenders that were supplied by some kind of catering company (like if it were some important exclusive industry event) with an open bar and music. I really liked the space and saw so much potential. Here's some pics.
Then off to Galapagos for the Methods Release party. On the way we pulled a cabbie who complained indecently. He didn't want to go to BK because he couldn't make money, people in this country were lazy, white people are taking over because minorities were too cheap, there should be no reason why if you live in this country for long enough that you don't own property. Then I find out he's been here for 10 years from Morocco. Where the fuck was his building?
Anyway, how random, but I was introduced to the guy from Methods the week before. Didn't realize it until I went there and saw the logo on the back of the Cool 'eh mag. (such a graphic hound I am) Ran into Creature too (who introduced me in the first place). Didn't get to see him perform, but got to see some other "MC" who "rapped" (if that's what you want to call it) about breaking guitars. Who the hell let this guy in?
Rounded out the night with the Element boys at a pub by Times Square. Thanks guys! The Chops and I encountered another cabbie from Africa who said that cabbies HAVE to take us to BK even if they bitch. We just take down their number and call up to complain. Too bad this is probably the most times I've taken a cab in one night, and I won't be taking any in the near future. Why spend $13 to get home when that's 2-4 drinks (depending where you go).
Sunday: West Village

B$@ went on an adventure with me to get new kicks on Saturday, but of course I found nothing. I can't help it. I don't like Nike but I like the insane color ways they have. Frustrated and broken, I ended up searching for a replacement pair of burgundy Convs. Nothing. I guess they just don't make them anymore? Oh well.
I never really walk around the west village. Interesting place. Lack of sneakers, but nice selection of puppies!
05.04.06 David Blaine

After befriending Tom Cruise (because he had no friends and I felt bad for him) and him trying to save me in a tsunami, to killing a two inch fully detailed red ant all in a dream that morning, I decided to go visit Jesus. David Blaine. In college, wewatched his crazy stunts and decided to dub him as such. We didn't build churches or lit candles in his honor, but face it, if Christ isn't coming back anytime soon, we might as well be entertained by someone else doing crazy tricks.
His new thing about hanging out in a bubble full of water is just plain funny. I wonder if his fingers will become permanently wrinkly. It can't be too good for his skin either. I ventured to no-mans land (at least to me) to see him. I couldn't be there longer than 5 minutes. It was like a vigil for a dying man. There was a crunchy girl band playing right in front of his bubble, while people stood there just looking. Only a few people were snapping photos, but the vibe felt like kumbaya could break out at any moment. Too much like the Jesus thing we joked about back then and it freaked me out.
I left and made the rest of my red line trip to the west village. It's amazing how I never really explored the area. lots of cute little things. picked up a few magnolia goodies for the kids at Alt, then headed to Dirty Bird to go. Great idea of free range chicken and organic sides, but nothing more than a snack size portion if you ask me.
Enough about my culinary woes, here's some more Blaine photos:

wednesday's photo

This was taken outside my office window. It was seriously like a siesta out there. One guy sleeping on top of bags of cement and this guy on scaffolding equipment. I was insipired. Instead of taking a nap though, I ended up spotting John Leguizamo trying to find a spot to lock up his bike. He ran away before I could grab my camera. Oh well.
Oh, and here's some pics from the Surface Mag party on Tuesday. They've really been getting sloppy with their parties.
May Day photos
In order to see just what the hell I do everyday, I'm taking on a project of documenting my life for a month. I'm going to post at least one picture of something I did, somewhere I went, someone I met, etc.
Of course the first day had to be atypical.
I met up with Peabody, Chopper, and the CEO of Hazel Skateboards for a Biznasty meeting at Teddy's. I thought "great, this is a cool way to start off my month." They took advantage of the nice weather (and the lack of a 9-to-5) to go joy riding. 4 beers later, I met up with them to head back to the Maspeth. Took some photos along the way.
Then at the Maspeth, the Matthews bros decided to have a Texas BBQ on the roof. Man can those boys cook! Granted we didn't eat 'till midnight, but it was good times. Lots of beer and meat. Just the way I like it. Check out the photos.
Of course the first day had to be atypical.
I met up with Peabody, Chopper, and the CEO of Hazel Skateboards for a Biznasty meeting at Teddy's. I thought "great, this is a cool way to start off my month." They took advantage of the nice weather (and the lack of a 9-to-5) to go joy riding. 4 beers later, I met up with them to head back to the Maspeth. Took some photos along the way.
Then at the Maspeth, the Matthews bros decided to have a Texas BBQ on the roof. Man can those boys cook! Granted we didn't eat 'till midnight, but it was good times. Lots of beer and meat. Just the way I like it. Check out the photos.