Friday, 05.26.06

Ran numerous errands including getting the phone I've had my eye on for so long. Thanks for giving me a reason to get it Verizon. you suck. Just a hop away was Shake Shack. Talk about getting lucky. Knowing that there was on and off showers, I didn't think the legendary line was going to be insane. The 30 minute wait for the burger was OH SO worth it. It's as close to In-and-Out I've tasted yet in this city. The cheese fries were even better.
Then off to X-Men. I say to go see it, but don't expect insane action or anything.
Saturday, 05.27.06

Trip out to Long Island for a backyard bbq. Cindy and Mayer's house made me want one of my own. Got to learn how to play beer pong and meet some southern people. Yes. everyone from Virginia says they're from DC. why be ashamed? embrace your southern-ness.
Hit up Billy Mark's West after the trip home. Got to meet Mark. Not a bad place. I always thought that place was going to be a little too dive-y even for me. Yummy Margaritas too!
Then to Niagara. Drank with the Element crew. I haven't touched this place in a long time. Of course we got there late, so after what felt like a short time, we closed out the bar. 3 minutes to closing time, however, some guy grabbed my arm to talk to me. I made light of the situation after spotting his Fred Perry. Of course I had to ask if he was a rude boy. We talked about the original nyc ska scene for five minutes before I ditched out of there.
Chops and I saw the sun rise over Maspeth. Lovely indeed.

Sunday, 05.28.06
My lame ass roomie bought these:

Now, I'm a carnivore. I love meat. (thanks for the smirk boys) But I don't touch baby bird fetus. Since I was a kid and found out what it was, I couldn't dare touch it. Now the idea of vegetarian eggs just made me think. So you won't eat the animal when it's fully grown, but you'll eat the placenta of sorts. come on now. It's like eating the leftovers of some chicks monthly cycle. I know. sorry for the graphics, but come on now!
Had a few more beers with the other half of the Element crew. what an interesting bunch...reminds me of THOSE people in high school....I think I was one of THOSE people.
Monday, 05.30.06

Crammed Memorial Day festivities into a matter of two hours. Made double buffalo burgers on the rooftop grill, with a side of garlic fries. SOOO delicious. Thanks Trader Joes! Headed to Ralph's afterwards to get ices, then off to the city. Went to meet the x-art school gals to see Art School Confidential at the Angelica, just to find out the movie times were changed. To kill time, I headed over to the Adidas store just to look at the forbidden Adicolors. Forbidden because they display some there that you can't buy at the store (i.e. the Huff Adicolors). Saw the Dark Horse. Not expecting them to have it, I asked for my size. Wholy crap, they did. Walked out of the store with a blue bag. Came to my senses. What drugs where they pumping into that store? I made a purchase my irrational mind dreamt about since eyeing these things last week, but my financial status said hell no to. Look at these puppies. I gotta take them back....I just have to.....if you love something, you gotta let it go.

Ran numerous errands including getting the phone I've had my eye on for so long. Thanks for giving me a reason to get it Verizon. you suck. Just a hop away was Shake Shack. Talk about getting lucky. Knowing that there was on and off showers, I didn't think the legendary line was going to be insane. The 30 minute wait for the burger was OH SO worth it. It's as close to In-and-Out I've tasted yet in this city. The cheese fries were even better.
Then off to X-Men. I say to go see it, but don't expect insane action or anything.
Saturday, 05.27.06

Trip out to Long Island for a backyard bbq. Cindy and Mayer's house made me want one of my own. Got to learn how to play beer pong and meet some southern people. Yes. everyone from Virginia says they're from DC. why be ashamed? embrace your southern-ness.
Hit up Billy Mark's West after the trip home. Got to meet Mark. Not a bad place. I always thought that place was going to be a little too dive-y even for me. Yummy Margaritas too!
Then to Niagara. Drank with the Element crew. I haven't touched this place in a long time. Of course we got there late, so after what felt like a short time, we closed out the bar. 3 minutes to closing time, however, some guy grabbed my arm to talk to me. I made light of the situation after spotting his Fred Perry. Of course I had to ask if he was a rude boy. We talked about the original nyc ska scene for five minutes before I ditched out of there.
Chops and I saw the sun rise over Maspeth. Lovely indeed.

Sunday, 05.28.06
My lame ass roomie bought these:

Now, I'm a carnivore. I love meat. (thanks for the smirk boys) But I don't touch baby bird fetus. Since I was a kid and found out what it was, I couldn't dare touch it. Now the idea of vegetarian eggs just made me think. So you won't eat the animal when it's fully grown, but you'll eat the placenta of sorts. come on now. It's like eating the leftovers of some chicks monthly cycle. I know. sorry for the graphics, but come on now!
Had a few more beers with the other half of the Element crew. what an interesting bunch...reminds me of THOSE people in high school....I think I was one of THOSE people.
Monday, 05.30.06

Crammed Memorial Day festivities into a matter of two hours. Made double buffalo burgers on the rooftop grill, with a side of garlic fries. SOOO delicious. Thanks Trader Joes! Headed to Ralph's afterwards to get ices, then off to the city. Went to meet the x-art school gals to see Art School Confidential at the Angelica, just to find out the movie times were changed. To kill time, I headed over to the Adidas store just to look at the forbidden Adicolors. Forbidden because they display some there that you can't buy at the store (i.e. the Huff Adicolors). Saw the Dark Horse. Not expecting them to have it, I asked for my size. Wholy crap, they did. Walked out of the store with a blue bag. Came to my senses. What drugs where they pumping into that store? I made a purchase my irrational mind dreamt about since eyeing these things last week, but my financial status said hell no to. Look at these puppies. I gotta take them back....I just have to.....if you love something, you gotta let it go.
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