Wednesday 05.24.06

Summer in the City party for NY Press at BED. I stayed there for about 45 minutes. It's not that it sucked terribly, I just went all on my lonesome and had to catch the Da Vinci Code w/ Moo. that movie is another story all together.
I'm just glad I went when I did. Drinks were strong, food was frequent, and I managed to get a goodie bag. Pretty good stuff too. Some socks from BED, the first season of The 4400 on DVD (one of those lame plastic armbands accompanied this too), Louis Black CD of his performance at Carnegie Hall, a bottle of lube from Babeland, two tickets to some play about Bush and how much he sucks, and a few flyers of different events in the city. The crowd was your typical crowd that would pay $12 for a rum and coke, minus the kids like me only there to get fed and wasted for free. As I left, the crowd on its way in was exactly the kind I like to avoid: fashionistas.
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