As much as I'd like to just rant on the girl I saw at the gym today (who the fuck wears a velour track suit with Pocahontas-furry-shoes to work out in?), in the interest of randomness, I thought I'd share a story and how it relates to today.
Back in 2doublotree, BMaul (before he was so-called) and I were taking in much of SF as possible before we had to return to our mega-metropolis suburban meccas. We hit City Lights to give a round of snaps to the Beats when I saw Youth in Revolt by C.D. Payne.
As a budding designer I was intrigued by the cover and walked to the counter. As a kid forced to sell her entire collection of Harry Potter and a few design books in order to fund the $1000+ bill from UPS to send her 4 years worth of shit home just earlier that day(breath), I had to return it to the shelves.
Now that the Yoda quest was over (thank you Phoenix. Too bad that's all you were good for...oh yea and thanks for the cold too. I thought it wasn't supposed to rain in the desert!) I spent most of the summer trying to remember what the hell the book was called. After dozens of searches later, I found it.
I wasn't disappointed. It was off the wall and kept me laughing during my long commute from the city back to Jerz. I totally recommend it.
I didn't realize that anyone else really ever read it either until I cut off some kid today getting onto the L on my way home. Poor kid didn't see me steal his seat 'cause he had his head buried in the book. Someone else has discovered this little hidden gem. Much better than the Heroin freak next to me reading the dictionary. I admit it. I did that when I was 10. I got to "advantage" before I realized that ironically, I was more stupid for trying.
Now I'm looking for my next conquest. any recommends?