MapleTits Strikes! (again)



Having a week off from work means never having to get my ass off the couch during a free preview week(end) of Skinamax. So, yea, I haven't done much at all. not even updating this.

But, I've peeled myself off the futon to let the world know that I have seen the infamous cock of Vincent Gallo. No, I did not buy the million dollar sperm off the web, but I did watch The Brown Bunny. Like most people who saw it outside of Cannes, I wanted to see what the hype was about. Let me tell you even as a straight gal I can appreciate the art of a good oral "examination", but after wanting to fast forward an hour and a half of bad editing and cropped shots, I couldn't care less about "the scene". I thought the plot was ok and could have went somewhere in some other writer's hands, but that took some analyzation on my part to even begin to understand what the point was. To tell you the truth, the "scene" wasn't even that good. I've seen better blows at a Tyson fight! You'd think the indie queen sucked enough in her lifetime to pull this one off. Touché Chloë.


Day 2

Got a lucky ride from a couple from Guyana. Go West Indies! Nice guy drove me and Vivacious all the way to 28th and 7th from 71st and the FDR. got to work at 9:30 but I had to sacrifice sleep.

My way home was another thing. No ride and no money I had to make the 5 mile trek. It was a 2 hour ordeal. Frozen toes and all I crossed the Billyburg bridge. Of course my camera had no life in it. I used up the battery at the office party and was too lazy to charge it. I'll try and pull off what little pics I did get later. At the end of the bridge there was the Red Cross like an oasis in the Sahara. Offering Hot Coffee, Chocolate and Tea it was like a godsend. I was parched and tired. I could only imagine if I was really out of shape. Those poor people crossing the BK bridge this morning with a McGriddle and grease-filled hash brown in hand, must have had a hellava time getting to work this morning. But who am I to judge....

After pouring down the surprisingly tasty java, I caught my second wind home. Funny enough I was starting to think about how many places I passed that I always wanted to go to. There are some really small boutiques in the burg. How the fuck do they even get the money to stay open? Who the hell will go all the way to Hope and Grand by the BQE entrance to buy a $100 t-shirt? Why don't I have a place for the Not So Standard goods? Oh yea. I remember now. I don't have a rich daddy. Next life maybe.

Then to take the cake I saw some kid riding a Segway in his T.A.Ps and BK industries messenger bag. Ooooooo how I was pissed my camera crapped out! This was something everyone needed to see. ho-lee-CRAP!

So, I'll see what I got for you kids. This better be over soon....I need some sleep.

so cute.


Touche Video Ipod owners

you might have kept cool walking to work watching The Office on your ipod, but I can perfect the dialogue from A Clockwork Orange (finally!)

If you haven't discovered this gem yet, PLEASE check it out before the FCC gets to it. I present listen to a movie.


So, it's my duty as a blogger to give my opinion on this frekin' craptastic day.

First of all, I don't sympathise with these fuck-heads. strong words I know, but when you've had a shitty experience with these workers, you become jaded. They don't need to make any more money. they already make too damn much. I could only imagine if GD's were in a union. I'd have regular eye doctor visits, two hour breaks, roll into work about 10, telecommute at LEAST two days a week, and get $50 grand a year (+ depending on what school you went to). But that dream must live in my head, 'cause your humble narrator had to find her big ass across the billyburg bridge into midtown today.

After walking down a little past the Graham stop, to roomie and I lucked out and found a cab that was looking for more people to haul. After the checkpoint it was a breeze. Then he stopped. $10 to get my ass from Manhattan Ave. to the LES. I then had to hike in the frost up to 29th and 7th. I think I have frostbite. My toes still feel cold.

And no. I don't have pics. I had the camera in the back pocket but after almost spilling hot chocolate all over my all stars, I decided that my hands were too numb to keep out of my pockets....gloves included.

I know the few of you who live in the NYC and read this probably said Fuck that and didn't leave your nice, warm holes. Lucky.


What's next?

I've been sooo busy lately with getting all the Not So Standard stuff done for Xmas (I know...I'll get around to getting the website done at some point in time. I still have Horny Shee(p)ts sets for sale!) that I'm a little late posting some new stuff.

Well, first, I'm not making a top 10 albums list like every other freakin' blog. Mainly because I haven't been impressed by much this year. I could compile a top 10 songs, but I'd rather not do the expected.

Here's some pics from Pheo's opening last week. Can't wait to see the next one.

I'm soooo over the cold already. A $300 gas bill already makes me fear January.

I'm writing this pre-strike and must say that I wouldn't mind it if I didn't have to go to work. It would be a great excuse to catch up on some Netflix pics (I've got Brown Bunny in my possession. Watch here for a quicky review when I get around to watching it) and stay out of the frost. Can't say that those guys deserve a frickin' raise, but who am I to say.

there is always the free shuttle to Jerz via IKEA. Let's go play Marco Polo at the mall.


Good Morning kiddies

Have a donut.


on a related note:

take this quiz. I will not tell you my score until you tell me yours.

check yourself.

Great article. Maybe you are a hipster afterall...via something awful


Poppin' them out like they're popcorn

MapleTits Strikes! (again) welcomes the newest addition to the Maspeth.
Isn't he adorable?

snow sucks

To all my west-coasties: here is my hell.


and now a moment of silence

I can't believe they're gone: watch
windows media playa required

wo wo wo


so I'm making up for lost time and just went picture happy last night at Shindig. After many, many attempts to go only to head to a bigger (and cheaper) event, I finally went. I saw the hype. Participated in the hype. Got a little drunk too. $12 admission is a little pricey for my tastes these days, but well worth it. Saw Enon. They played the song I like most of theirs. the band before was good too. Good music. Great to see too that they had something other than vodka and beer for their open bar. Who would think of the 7? how good is that stuff? Just melts in your mouth. too bad they didn't have 7up. Major Faux Pas. Well...enjoy...

the pics

Stay Tunned

Shinding photos will be here soon.
In the meantime, have fun calling this number: 888.353.7667
it's toll free. call it as much as you want!