Just a few questions

Sexy? MILF?


Really? Was this honestly NOT a mistake?
Besides all that, I've got some pics from the Element Demo on Sunday. Check out the Element website too for more stuff....especially Chopper in all his glory.
it's photo time.

It's amazing. Since I ended my month long documentation, I've been slacking on shooting and posting. I call it laziness. No matter. I've got some things for you.
Autumn Bowl: 06.08.06
I accompanied the boys, finally, to the bowl to see what it was all about. It was late so the corridor was dark. Perfect spot to have a bloody scene in a horror flick, that's for sure. I must go back during the day and take photos of the crazy stairways. I decided to shoot film so I only have a few instant gratification pics. Once I develop them, I'll post them too.
Museum Mile: 06.13.06
Free Museums! It's sad that as an "artist" I haven't been to a museum in ages. I should keep up with what other people deem "high art". I met up with Xtina to try and get into the Guggenheim to see the Zahia Haddid show. If you don't know who she is, check out this site. The line was around the block at 7:30. Instead of feeling defeated, I did what I never do. I tried to talk my way in. Unlike other people (especially girls) I NEVER get to talk my way into anything. I don't get free drinks. I don't get out of tickets. I don't get squat. Why? I don't think I'm good at it. That and I always get hit on by some cheap schmuck that expects something in return. Xtina gave me the confidence, and what do you know, we bypassed the line and had a full 1.5 hours to explore. woo hoo.
Scare the crap out of you tuesdays.
I was originally going to write about some Ads I've seen recently, but I'll save that for later.
You have to give it to the Japanese for coming up with some crazy shit. This video is no exception. See you all in the burning pits of hell!
I was originally going to write about some Ads I've seen recently, but I'll save that for later.
You have to give it to the Japanese for coming up with some crazy shit. This video is no exception. See you all in the burning pits of hell!
yea...I'm on the bandwagon
Everyone is blog-happy about Beruit. I was a skeptic at first. I thought it was going to be one of those "I'll-suck Sufjan-Stevens-off-if-I-ever-encounter-his-genius" things. I was going to be all into hearing this marvel of music, and then end up chucking the cd at the closest kid in black frame glasses.
This band, however, has not let me down. I've been listening to the cd non stop. I'm sure most of you reading this has heard the story of the kid behind this gypsy-folk album, but maybe you haven't heard it.
I suggest heading down to Other Music tonight (if you can get through the massive crowds) and hear them for free. Here's a sample:
Beirut: Gulag Orkestar
This band, however, has not let me down. I've been listening to the cd non stop. I'm sure most of you reading this has heard the story of the kid behind this gypsy-folk album, but maybe you haven't heard it.
I suggest heading down to Other Music tonight (if you can get through the massive crowds) and hear them for free. Here's a sample:
Beirut: Gulag Orkestar
Wednesday, 05.31.06

So, technically, this is my last day for documenting my month. It's been fun. Started off really strong, and ended quietly. I decided to take two photos that are all about growth. Why? Well, 'cause this whole month I would sit by my window and look at how fast the trees were blooming, and how fast my plants were growing. Hopefully by August I'll have some hearty Jalapenos!
I hope you enjoyed it. I think I might extend this documentation thing....hmmmm....