MapleTits Strikes! (again)


Pinkie the thug

Pinkie the thug
Originally uploaded by mapleTits.
I know it's supposed to seem like a complement when a guy sees you walk by and he "holla's" at you. "Hey baby", "Yo ma", "damn!" and "yo can I talk to you for a sec" (that really NEVER turns into a sec) are common phrases you hear walking down the street. In today's world where girls are plagued by eating disorders and personality complexes, it's nice to know when you are attractive.

BUT, and I think I speak for most of the female population, the "gentleman" of this century have no tact. I am SICK of hearing shit as I walk down the street. especially when it's comming from a guy who looks like he's trying on his daddy's basketball jersey.

It's true that it does work to some degree. Usually its some pathetic chic in pounds of clown makeup that will do a 180 on her Payless stilettos and show him her "nursed-way-too-many-kids-by-21" tits. On the other extreme end you see some Meatpacker toothpick that looks for that kind of atttention just to act like she's WAY too good for him, and turns to laugh with her DUF who wishes it was her that got hit on. poor girl.

I've got some serious advice for these boys. Try not to look like you just crawled out of the freakin' gutter....have some class. don't scream at me from your 18 wheeler (and especially don't honk at me from one of those things. I'm not flattered by the ability to scare me out of my skin), follow me to my destination just to talk to me, or mumble incoherently as I walk by. I'm not going to make out with you, and I sure as hell won't give you my number!

And to that traffic cop that chased me down on the way to my house just to get rejected: fix your teeth, then maybe you'll be able to pick up girls at that shady "hotel" on 9th ave and 43rd....just...maybe.


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