Wholy Fall.

Summer has come and gone way too damn fast. I'm not ready for all this cold weather and rain and depression. I spent all winter anticipating summer. Then it came, bitch slapped me, and when I finally realized what it did, labor day gave me an atomic wedgie.
In order to get in touch with my happiness, I call upon the powers of yoga combined with the one-two punch of laughter. I present my yogi to help you all.
So look up at the clouds and laugh your hearts out kids. Just make sure not to choke on the big globs of acid rain.
washed away
It's September 1st. I know I've disappeared since the end of July. Time just really slipped away. Summer has been washed down the drain, and I felt like I've done nothing.
I was going to summarize the rest of my summer through a photo montage, then I realized that I had really nothing. It's gone too fast. My "free" time was spent watching TV, working out, and doing freelance work. If I wasn't doing that, I was home falling asleep at 10pm on a Saturday night. Bored. Nothing to do. No parties. No free drinks. Just loosing my mind.
But, instead of giving you guys my two cents and a photo montage of my room ('cause I didn't leave), I waited ever so patiently for my new "baby" to arrive. My new lovely Mac Book Pro, maxed out with the most ram and memory it could possibly hold. This way I didn't have to update you guys during work hours. (it was getting harder while I was super busy) It arrived all shiny and new last week. It was hard saying goodbye to my old G3 ex-laptop. To think I once edited videos and created animations on that thing...and managed to fit most of them on zip disks!
Now it's pouring rain and instead of trying to catch up to summer, I have to let it go. I guess now it's a race for going out before the first snowflake hits the ground. It takes some motivation to pull me away from my brand new toy, but promises of good times could help.
To bring in fall, I figured I'll give you guys a soundtrack to work with. Instead of giving my opinion about these two albums, I'll let you guys be the judge. Both of these bands have done some stuff that I was impressed with, as well as songs that I thought weren't pushed far enough. Enjoy them anyway, and let me know what you guys think:

Rapture: Pieces Of The People We Love

+/-: Let's Build A Fire
I was going to summarize the rest of my summer through a photo montage, then I realized that I had really nothing. It's gone too fast. My "free" time was spent watching TV, working out, and doing freelance work. If I wasn't doing that, I was home falling asleep at 10pm on a Saturday night. Bored. Nothing to do. No parties. No free drinks. Just loosing my mind.
But, instead of giving you guys my two cents and a photo montage of my room ('cause I didn't leave), I waited ever so patiently for my new "baby" to arrive. My new lovely Mac Book Pro, maxed out with the most ram and memory it could possibly hold. This way I didn't have to update you guys during work hours. (it was getting harder while I was super busy) It arrived all shiny and new last week. It was hard saying goodbye to my old G3 ex-laptop. To think I once edited videos and created animations on that thing...and managed to fit most of them on zip disks!
Now it's pouring rain and instead of trying to catch up to summer, I have to let it go. I guess now it's a race for going out before the first snowflake hits the ground. It takes some motivation to pull me away from my brand new toy, but promises of good times could help.
To bring in fall, I figured I'll give you guys a soundtrack to work with. Instead of giving my opinion about these two albums, I'll let you guys be the judge. Both of these bands have done some stuff that I was impressed with, as well as songs that I thought weren't pushed far enough. Enjoy them anyway, and let me know what you guys think:

Rapture: Pieces Of The People We Love

+/-: Let's Build A Fire
now I've seen too much
I found this video by accident last week. The most random things are on you tube. problem is, I can't get this song out of my head everytime I go use the potty. "Pee come out, poop come out". Then the ending...what is with that?
I found this video by accident last week. The most random things are on you tube. problem is, I can't get this song out of my head everytime I go use the potty. "Pee come out, poop come out". Then the ending...what is with that?

After a hectic work week and Chops even more busy with his thangs...yes children, I have finally compiled all the photos I can from my birthday drunk fest. Let's all celebrate again as we roll down wino street.
I was too busy being a gracious hostess to take photos and to drink myself into a drunkville. Oh well. I'm just glad all that attended had a great time.
A moment of silence for my awesome necklace that Chops bought me last year for my bday. His little piece of Seattle slipped itself free during the night. maybe while I was the meat in a dancing beefcake sandwich (thanks boys!)
And yes. there were bitches there. There shouldn't have been complaints....you know who you are....
MapleTits 25th Birthday Excuse-to-Drink.
Big Up to Chops (who went mad with his new digi), PawPaw, and Moooo.
if anyone has others to add, let me know!